Friday, November 04, 2005

Erase and Restore

"Are you sure you want to erase your harddrive?"

That is one scary sentence. Clicking the "Yes" button is even scarier. All day yesterday through today I have been downloading applications, upgrades, drivers, plug-ins, and updates. Judy admitted her sins, was baptized, and is ready to start anew. To translate: My computer knew it wasn't working right (not literally), needed to be completely wiped of all information, and is now starting over fresh with no bugs in her.

Judy is working great! She's like a brand new computer and she does what she is supposed to.

It makes me think, how many of us take our new lives with Christ as literally as we should? We get to start anew. Fresh, clean, without fault. Wonderful isn't it? But when we click the "Yes" button with Christ, do we hang onto some of the "bugs" of the past. We want to start new but also want to hang onto some of our guilty pleasures of the past. I'm guilty.

So instead of starting brand-spaking new, fresh out of the box, still having the new factory smell; we bring with us some of the older versions that affect our new, factory-sealed selves. Even if we try and justify that it's just a small part of our lives, it ends up affecting everything!

Most of us choose the popular "Extreme Makeover". We put on a brand new outside, but inside we are unchanged. So we may be able to trick and impress others but we know we are still the same person.

If you are struggling with a particular sin and can't get rid of it, I would suggest clicking "Erase and Restore". If you have tried everything and it doesn't seem to work for you. Erase everthing! Surrender all! Not just portions of your life but everything! When you make the contious decision to surrender all, good and bad, you won't have to worry about the particular sin you struggle with because it's gone. Everything you have and are is gone. Your heavenly Father is control now. All you have to do is what he says. Sounds simple enough huh?

When was the last time you Erased and Restored?


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