Monday, November 03, 2008

Believing God on Election Day

I don't know what I'd do without music at work. Whether it's listening to certain albums, playlists, or just hitting the shuffle button, I crave the melody. It's not only music which I enjoy listening to.

Podcasts are also essential. For those of you who are unaware of what a podcast is, Wikipedia defines them as:

A podcast is a series of audio or video digital-media files which is distributed over the Internet by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable media players and personal computers.
Basically, it's a radio show subscription. When a new show is available my iTunes will download it.

Some of the regular podcasts I'm currently enjoying are: ESPN fantasy football, 93X morning sports update, Pastor Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill church) sermons, and Pastor John Piper's (Bethlehem Baptist church) sermons.

With the election upon us, one of Mr. Piper's sermon's from a previous election (Bush vs. Dukakis) titled "Believing God on Election Day" was posted. The message is just as relevant today as it was then. After all, when you're preaching from God's Word, it's always current.

Preaching from Daniel 4:28–37, the following is taken from that sermon:

God Will Choose the President on Tuesday

2 Things That Does Not Mean

  1. It doesn't mean, don't bother voting. God will choose the president by choosing who votes. If you want to be an instrument in His hand, vote. If you don't, then don't. Don't ever draw the conclusion from the sovereignty of God that inactivity is rational, it is irrational.
  2. The second thing it does not mean is that God will approve of the policies of the man that gets elected. This is extrodinarily crucial to understand. The sovereign rule of God over sinful man is no endorsement of their deeds. Stor that away as it applies to a dozen areas of life. His (God's) purposes are very strange (to us).
2 Things That Does Mean
  1. It means that the winner should not boast. He should not be like Nebuchadnezzar at state one who said 'by my power, by my ingenuity', I've gotten myself this Presidency. If he does, let us weep and pray.
  2. You and I, whether our candidate gets elected or not, should be mightily confident and encouraged that God reigns and His purposes will be accomplished in this world. Every knee will bow and every tounge confess someday that Jesus, and nobody else, is Lord.

Also, here is John with a four minute "talk" summarizing his "Let Christians Vote as Though They Were Not Voting" blog post.

I found Mr. Piper's words extremely encouraging. As, if I let myself, can make too big of deal of the election. After all, no matter who is President, God reigns!



Unknown said...

Yeah man. I think there is so much talk amongst Christians about how we should or should not vote. But often God is left out of the equation which doesn't make sense because the simple true is, like you said "God reigns!"

dRun said...

Actually the previous comment was posted by me, Darren, not Rachel... I didn't realize she was signed in.