Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Variety is the Tabasco of Life

Definitely the (Tabasco) spice of life.

Tabasco sauce is yummy. Plain and simple. It tastes great while providing the everyday meal (burgers, broccoli, mashed potatoes, even mac and cheese) with a little kick. The only problem with Tabasco is sometimes you pay for it later on. Your lips might sting a little, or your tummy starts doing flips on it's trampoline; otherwise know as your kidney's.

Variety in the workplace is the same way. It provides that little extra kick to get you through the day. Unfortunately, like Tabasco sauce, you can suffer some draw backs due to your "spice". ie. you don't know how long a certain project will take.

For example, in completing the big freelance project of the year (the 2006 edition of the CityView Report), I knew it would take about 50 hours to complete. Or say a 1/6 page ad for Mission Maker magazine. About 1 hour. No biggie. But, throw in a STEM display that has to reflect a Christian Hunter's Expo, a 4-color marketing poster, and a mass (20,000 +) email, and you have some major Tabasco in your life. (The gallon kind.)

Erin, like it or not, has also been dealing with a variety of projects. Besides her everyday work she has been given the tasks of organizing and delegating jobs for STEM's annual Short-Term Mission Leaders Conference, working on STEM's golf fundraiser, and helping out with Mission Maker sales.

Anyway, to say the least, Erin and I have kept our selves extremely busy. Not only with work, but home as well. Between freelance, Bible study, Awana, and preparing for our trip to Trinidad, I think Bella is starting to feel rejected.

So here's to a little Tabasco in everyone's life and hoping we all remain standing in the end.


Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006/Matthew chapters 6-8

And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, "Lord if you are willing, You can make me clean." Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. —Matthew 8:2 and 3


The leper has set a great example for us. First he was humble before the Lord. Second, he knew to ask of Jesus' will, and third, he knew Jesus could make him "clean". I like how the leper said "You can" and not "can You". He truly had faith set on Christ.

So often I put Jesus in a box, make decisions for Him, or I pray half-heartedly not truly believing. I need to have faith like this leper.

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