Thursday, December 01, 2005

Saying Goodbye...For Now

11:42 pm, Wednesday, November 30, Erin and I said goodbye to Jan.

Our last night (for now) with Anna Banana.

We enjoyed a last meal of sorts with Anna at Chili's then Anna, Bella, and I dropped off Erin at church for Awana. Then the three of us made a short trek over to Petco to look at the animals. (It was also a place that we could bring Bella into.) Anna loved pushing the kid-sized "Customer in Training" cart with Bella riding inside.

When looking at all of the Finding Nemo fish got boring, we drove to the library in order to kill time before picking up Erin. Instead of reading books, we played with puppets. Anna was the mommy bird and I was the baby birds. She protected me from the big and scary crow puppet.

8:10, time to go. Mommy bird killed the mean old crow one more time before leaving. Bella was overjoyed to be held while she gave Anna a bath with her tounge. It was a long drive back to Apple Valley while singing Disney music.

Erin put Anna to bed and we cleaned out the rest of our stuff from Jan's. About 11:30 pm Jan arrived home pushing Aaron's Volvo. She couldn't quite get up the driveway but Betty and I were up to the task. 4-wheel drive, it's a wonderful thing.

We said our goodbye's and offered to reserve Monday's for her/Anna. She said maybe. So we will see what happens. I'm hoping she changes her "maybe" to "yes".

So ends our time with the Alswager family. We lived there 2 weeks short of a year. Not bad. I will always have a special place in my heart for them.



Emily said...

Bernt and Erin,

Yesterday I forwarded your blog address to some of my close friends. I got an e-mail from Ruth Helen today. She checked it out and enjoyed looking at the pictures, especially of Bella. She finished her last final a week ago today. She's already on her Christmas vacation! What a lucky duck! They must get a really long break. I'll have to ask her next time when she starts second semester.

Well, I just wanted to let you know that your blog has been looked at in Norway. You're reaching people all the way across the Atlantic!

God bless!
Em +-

Unknown said...

Cool Em. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to come up with a Special Edition Norway post. ;)
