Thursday, July 27, 2006

Courting Erin, Episode I

Chris and Aletha Wachter at our wedding on July 12, 2003

An Adventure 3 Years in the Making: Episode I

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006 at 6:00pm, Chili's restaurant, 2 couples (Chris and Aletha Wachter and Bernt and Erin Eidsmoe) reunite after a 3 years absence. Will this reunion result in the excitement as the first meeting? Only time tell.

What am I talking about? A new movie? The reconciliation of Abba? Nope, something bigger. The first time these two couples connected, Erin and I met and eventually got married. And after our meeting with them at Chili’s last night, we are excited to see what the future holds as the four of reunite.

5 years ago, this September, the courtship of an unbreakable unity began. Erin Michelle Johnson and Bernt Bruce Eidsmoe met.

Episode I Summer, 2000
I had recently recommitted my life to the Lord. Sure, I had accepted the Lord as my Savior in a prayer with my mom at the age of 5. I knew it was something special, but it wasn’t until I had turned 22 that I started to take it seriously. So after repenting and committing the rest of my life to the Lord, I knew that it was time to start going to church. Voluntarily I might add.

Yea! I’m a good Christian now! I said I’m sorry and now I’m going to church. I can’t achieve anything higher in my walk with the Lord. (I hope my sarcasm came through as thick as I was intending.)

The only thing about me going to church was that I had ulterior motives. GIRLS! (Mom and dad would be so proud.) Don’t get me wrong, I really did want to grow with Christ, I was just hoping for a little icing on the cake. (OK, so the cake I wanted was a frozen Dairy Queen cake that was topped with Recess Pieces and Cadbury Eggs.) I wanted it all. The easy Christian life, the brand new beautiful bride, and a Jeep, and a dog, and a house, and...and...and. You get the picture.

Step #1: Commit my life to Christ. Check
Step #2: Get a Jeep. Check (After all, chicks dig guys with Jeeps right?)
Step #3: Get the girl. I just needed to find a church that had lots of college aged girls. So how can I find that out? LEIF! My brother Leif was in college at the time and according to his reliable scouting report, the Northwestern College chicks went to the church home of Pastor John Piper, aka Bethlehem Baptist.

Well, a disappointing search revealed one thing to me about Bethlehem Baptist. Most of the “girls” were in there ‘40s. I was more likely to find a divorced soccer mom than a future Mrs. Eidsmoe. As the wise saying of Homer J. Simpson goes, D’oh!

Now what?

I didn’t know what to do. I really liked John Piper’s teaching but I knew that it wasn’t going to be a long-term church family for me. Because I didn’t know where else to go, I stayed there. At that time I wasn’t looking for God’s direction and I didn’t receive any flashing lights or neon signs telling me which church to go to. So I stayed put.

At the time I was working for Alan Furst, Inc. as a graphic designer. We needed help. It was just Alan and I and we had more work than we could handle. The answer for us came in the form of a young man named Chris Wachter.

As it turns out, God used Chris to answer more than just the "Help Wanted" ads.

...Episode 2 tomorrow.


Thursday, July 27th 2006/Job chapters 10-14

"O that you would be completely silent,
And that it would become your wisdom!"
—Job 13:5

Immediately following the tragic events in Job's life, three of his friends sat with him, completely silent for an entire week. And after his friends incorrect advise, Job wishes they would remain silent.

How many times have I done this? I try and help and "fix things" with words, and I only seem to make things worse. My lesson here is that when someone is hurting, I need to just shut up and show them I care.

Copyright 2006, City Vision / John A. Mayer
You can purchase a copy of the CityView Report here.


There are an estimated 20,000 witches of all types who live in our metro area who meet in 179 different witch covens/groups. Many witches are drawn to the Twin Cities area because of the many lakes and rivers, which have spiritual significance to them.
• Avalon on Camelot, Woodbury

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