Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Trinidad: Day 7

Today we got to go to school. The first one was a preschool with about 100 kids and only 5 teachers! They were really well behaved as Kevin gave a Bible lesson and we sang songs. They even sang a song for us a gave us a Trini version of a pasty. We were so blessed!

Youth pastor Tim and I got a few minutes of playtime in with the Dinosaurs. Tim's intensity won. }:|

The second school was obviously older but still the youth were very considerate and polite. We found out that it doesn't matter how old the youth are, they all loved getting their pictures taken.

I'm horrible with names but this little guy had on a bandage from falling. (Don't worry, it happened before we even landed in Trinidad. No lawsuit.) Besides, I don't think he's in too much pain. :)

Here's how horrible with names I am, I can't remember the boys name but I can remember that this cow's name is Mary. It's true. She was always right outside the church where we had Bible Club.

That night we learned which attitudes to have and one's not to have concerning missions. Being broken into 3 groups, we had to present to the "mission's board" (the group of 4 on the left) why our particular missions group was the best. Alyssa is doing her best the convince the judges.

End of day 7.


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