Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Journey Into the IT Realm

More and more I'm realizing that my position at STEM continues to evolve. Four years ago, it was upgrading STEM's 20 year old "look". But now that has all-but been accomplished, we are realizing we are extremely behind in the IT realm. We don't have adequate back up, computers that are sufficient, and basically, an overall plan for our technology needs. It's quite scary knowing how vulnerable we are.

So, partnered with our new COO Steve Miller, the two of us will be the blind leading the blind not knowing what's in store. For you Lord of the Rings fans, picture Frodo and Sam stumbling into Shelob's lair (The big spider). We know we need to go through it to emerge victorious but we are terrified of the darkness that awaits. (Can you tell I'm currently listening to the LOTR audio books?)

Anyway, Steve is a great guy to work with. He knows where we need to end up and is good at putting one foot in front of the other. We also have help from a couple of my Mac friends. One is a fellow comic book fanboy (Stego) and the other is also a graphic designer (Jay) who also happens to work at an Apple store.

God has given Steve and I help. Albeit not in the form of elves, dwarfs, or wizards but even better help as Stego and Jay are serving God and not "the one ring". Thank you Father! (Who knows, maybe when this is all done, Peter Jackson can direct a trilogy about our adventure.) :)

I'll leave you with a humorous take on IT according to the wisdom of Dilbert. Enjoy.

click to enlarge



Emily said...

This is one of the best Dilberts I've read! It was amusing from box to box, but the end simply made me laugh out loud. =)

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!
love you--

Unknown said...

Good. Glad you liked it Em. And thanks mom. It's good to be back.
