Thursday, February 28, 2008

Men's Hand Lotion

I love winter. No surprise there. But my knuckles always crack and bleed which leads my wife to say my hands look "gross". Fair enough and I can't disagree with her. But the only hand lotion we have in the house came from Bath and Body Works. So if I want my knuckles to heal, I have no choice but to use it.

Now I'm not the most manly of men but come on. I had to suck it up and come to work smelling like Cucumber Melon. Nice. So that got me thinking. I know there are "odor-less" lotions but what about lotions designed for guys. You know "guy smells". Not a huge market I can imagine but none-the-less, I'd rather smell like one of the following:

(Please excuse my shotty quality of work. Being I'm at work, I didn't want to take a lot of time with this.)

So who's with me? I'm mean, who wouldn't want to smell like dead fish? ;)



Dena said...

haha, nice. Doug would agree with you, he refuses to use my girlie lotions....

Unknown said...

Thanks. Even using non-scented lotion seems "girly". But if used motor oil scented lotion, that'd be a different story. ;)


Emily said...

Those are great, Bernt! You're so clever. =)
What would pleasant guy smells be? Grass?

Unknown said...

Glad you like them Em. Yea that could be one reason for not having men's hand lotion. We don't want to smell like anything...except maybe steak. ;)


Bruce Eidsmoe said...

Very Good Bernt. Here is what I found that works best for me. (Don't tell mom, she does not know). I always save the drippings from my grilling, it makes a good hand lotion. I have found that beef steak or hamburger works the best. Then in order: pork, turkey, chicken and fish (walleye is better than salmon). Dogs and cats are drawn to you, that is both good and bad. Bella may get jealous. :-) Love Dad

Unknown said...

Ha! That's awesome dad! Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try that sometime. :)
