Thursday, May 08, 2008

Top 15 + 1 Summer Movies

Last year I created my top 10 must-see movies before Brevin was born. It was one of my most successful summer movie viewings in a long time. Now that Brevin is here, I have higher priorities but that won't stop me from creating a wish list. This year I went bigger...15 bigger!

The Mummy—August 1
Production Video

Brendan Fraser reprises his role as explorer Rick O'Connell. Rachel Weisz will not be returning but as consolation, Jet Li will be staring as Emperor Han. It's been a fun, action packed, and relatively innocent ride so far. I'm expecting the same.

X-Files: I Want To Believe
—July 25
Trailer Not Yet Available

The FBI closed down its investigations into the paranormal years ago but the best twosome for an odd abduction are ex-agents Fox Mulder and Dr. Dana Scully. Even though they have no desire to revisit their dark past, when a group of women are abducted in the wintry hills of rural Virginia, the only clues to their disappearance are the grotesque human remains that begin to turn up in snow banks along the highway. Amanda Peet joins David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson for the second installment of an X-Files movie. (Synopsis from

Wanted—June 27
Movie Trailer

Think The Matrix meets Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Assassins who can bend a bullets path. Pretty cool huh. It's based on a graphic novel by Mark Millar (a comic book writer)—"Wanted tells the tale of one apathetic nobody’s transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice." Angelina Jolie is the big name but Morgan Freeman's name has more of an attraction for me. The guy is just plain cool.

Step Brothers—July 25
Movie Trailer

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly team up for the second time (Talladega Nights) for another...well...Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly movie. Stereotyping, you know what your gonna get. My hope is this effort can reclaim Ferrell his Anchorman glory. Big hopes?

Tropic Thunder—August 15
Movie Trailer

Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Iron Man's Robert Downey Jr. are actors. But they aren't very good. So to make a realistic movie, the actors are dropped into real-life combat...only they don't know it. I want to see this based on the trailer. My kind of humor.

Get Smart—June 20
Movie Trailer

I loved the show growing up. (No I'm not that old that I saw it first run.) Through the glory of Nick At Nite, I was able to enjoy all of Maxwell Smart's foibles. Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, and Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson head up the cast. Can't wait.

Wall-E—June 27
Movie Trailer

One word...Pixar. 'Nuff said.

The Happening—June 13
Movie Trailer

Just like my number nine pick, this movie I want to see based on a name alone...M. Night Shyamalan. This will be his sixth big budget feature and I have loved them all. The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, the Village, and Lady in the Water. Although I still haven't seen Lady in the Water, I'm willing to purchase it based on his reputation alone. Mr. Shyamalan's twists, turns, and overall feel leave me wanting more.

Speed Racer—May 9
Movie Trailer

I remember watching a few episodes of the cartoon when I was younger but never really got into it. I think because it was always on late at night on MTV (sorry mom and dad). I think the appeal of this flik for me is it's style. The bright colors and fast moving action. I'd like to think of the style as a boys Moulin Rouge without the singing.

Iron Man—Now Playing
Movie Trailer

I've never been a huge fan of Iron Man in the comic universe. Tony Stark (the man behind the mechanical mask) is rich, likes to drink, and a womanizer...yea, I can relate to him. ;) That said, I still would really like to see this movie. Many of my friends, both nerd and non-nerd alike have seen and loved this movie. And hey, it's a Marvel superhero movie which, usually for me, equals instant love.

Narnia: Prince Caspian—May 16
Movie Trailer

It's been almost three years since we've seen the cast of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia on the big screen. The first film was an instant classic and as long as Disney continues with the same quality and care as the first, each of Lewis' classics will reach the same status. Having seen the first, I want to see this one all the more.

Indiana Jones—May 22
Movie Trailer

He's back. Our favorite snake-hating archaeologist. I must admit, the reason this movie isn't ranked higher is I'm scared. Scared this latest installment will diminish not only the series as a whole but my love for Dr. Jones. I had the same feelings concerning Lt. John McClane in Live Free or Die Hard. Die Hard 4 was great, please please Indy 4, follow suit.

Incredible Hulk—June 13
Movie Trailer

The 2003 version never happened. Well, that's what Marvel would want us to believe. I myself enjoyed the majority of the Eric Bana Hulk but I'm in the minority. This Hulk seems to have gone back to it's comic roots. SCORE! The Jekyll/Hyde scientist is on the run from the military and his big, green self. This time Marvel's bean counters are hoping the phrase "Hulk Smash" is a good thing.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
—August 15
Movie Trailer

What! A Star Wars movie isn't number one?!? Well...yea. Nothing against it, it's just not number one. I have loved the animated, Emmy award winning, Clone Wars series on the Cartoon Network. George Lucas and company have now taken the animated series and transformed it into a soon to be released CG series and an upcoming movie. What's it about? Star Wars! What else does it need to be about? :)

Dark Knight—July 18
Movie Trailer

This will probably be the only time a DC superhero movie tops all Marvel ones on my list. When Heath Ledger was first announced to portray the Joker, I cringed and did not want to see how Warner Brothers was going to botch the series. That changed when I saw Heath as the Joker. Scary. I loved (and still really like) Tim Burton's Batman's. Jack Nickolson as the Joker was perfect. Heath has some big jester shoes to fill and I can't give it to him yet but he's off to a great start. The only thing that will haunt me (no pun intended) is seeing the late Mr. Ledger on screen.


Well, there you have it. My top 15 summer movie list. So what was with that 15 + 1 in the title? Well, I couldn't ignore Erin's number one pick could I? Instead of giving her a number, she gets a letter...E.

Sex and the City—May 30
Movie Trailer

Yea...I don't know. Ask Erin.


Enjoy your summer movie experience!


P.S. Don't forget to vote for your most anticipated summer movie(s) in the updated poll!

1 comment:

Leah Miller said...

We'd be happy to babysit if you want to come down here to the Riverview!