Thursday, October 09, 2008

Can You Find the Difference?

(Click to enlarge)

This morning has been one of mass emails. It all started last night as Dana (STEM's editor) emailed me wondering if the cover image on the website was the final version (it has since been changed). My answer was in the affirmative sense but her take on it was a negative one.


There was a major error in version #1 that had completely slipped by us all. Can you find it? So this morning, emails and phone calls were flying left and right in what could accurately be described as a "STOP THE PRESSES" situation. We were able to get the problem fixed in time (with an obvious cost) but the crisis has been adverted.

One great aspect of working at STEM is it's strong Godly atmosphere and it all starts with our CEO, Roger. Throughout the entire process he was thanking God for the error to not only come to light, but for it to be revealed in time. No pointing of fingers, tempers flaring, or obscenities streaming. It turned out to be one more way to glorify God!


P.S. If you still can't find the mistake (a spelling error), look at the comments section. Of course after it was pointed out to us, we were all humbled for how obvious it was.


Unknown said...

ANSWER: "Igniting", not "Ingiting". D'oh!


Trent and Tara said...

I must admit, I didn't see that on my first look. (I read everything, then decided it must have been in the world map). But then, I read your post and saw it was a spelling error, so when I looked again, I saw it. Don't you hate that?! (I'm a graphic designer too)

blessings you to both,