Case of the Mondays?
If you had a bad Monday, look on the bright side, at least you weren't this guy.
Now I know how NOT to fix a sprinkler.
If you had a bad Monday, look on the bright side, at least you weren't this guy.
Now I know how NOT to fix a sprinkler.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Yep, Erin is pregnant! For most of you, this comes as old(er) news.
For those of you not in the loop, this pregnancy came as a surprise. Because it took us almost two years of trying and thousands of dollars to have Brevin, we figured the same would be for our second child. We were wrong. We have friends who also had trouble conceiving the first time and their second time was no different, so figured we'd have the same difficulty. We were wrong, again. Erin's "body" didn't seem to correct itself after having Brevin, so we figured we'd be in for another long and expensive haul. For a third time, we were wrong.
See a pattern?
We found out she was pregnant the middle of May (she's due January 8th) but wanted to wait to tell people until the second trimester. We unfortunately couldn't wait to tell some people because we already have had to go in for a second ultrasound as some red flags have been appearing. Thankfully, after several friends and family have lifted up the little one in prayer, God has answered in the positive and after a follow up appointment a couple of days ago, the baby is doing great!
It's been a little different this time around in notifying people of Erin's pregnancy. A relatively unknown website called "Facebook" (please note the heavy sarcasm) helped leaked the news. On second thought, the word "leaked" isn't appropriate, try Jack and Rose trying to escape the quickly sinking Titanic definition of the word "leaked". In wanting to be as sensitive to those who have been trying to conceive without success, we have tried to let the news out relatively low key but task seems about as likely as...well...the Titanic not sinking. It's not going to happen.
So now what?
Great question. God has and always will provide for our needs. (Notice I said needs and not wants.) Right now finances are a secondary concern, albeight a close second. We'll keep praying for the little one and take life one day at a time. The Lord has granted us two healthy children and we'll continue to praise Him for that. Right now our family's verse seems to be Matthew 6:34:
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Posted by
10:50 AM
The second best part of vacations, is reminiscing. The first would actually be the vacation itself, but reminiscing isn't far behind. The big advantage being you can look back and laugh at a particular situation, even though at that time, it may have been far from laughable.
As Erin's folks were passing through last Friday on their way to a mini-vacation, reminiscing was the cause of several outbursts of laughter. One such story started out as Erin's brother (several years ago) only wanted souvenirs from Yellowstone Park. Even though the Johnson family had gone to several other places on that particular vacation, Josh refused to get anything but Yellowstone paraphernalia.
This story led up Josh recounting his nap time disobedience.
When Josh was made to go to his room for a nap, he'd refuse. But instead of showing his rebellion to his parents, he'd get the better of them by not falling asleep. The funny thing was, when he was in his room, he needed something to do which didn't require him getting out of bed or potentially getting caught not sleeping. So he decided to count the letters on the pennants hanging on his wall.
Not only would he merely count the letters, but he'd make it a competition. Which letter would there be the most of, thereby winning. He recollects being excited every time he got a new pennant in hopes it's letters would change the eventual winner.
It's amazing what we'll find to do as long as it's not what we were told to do. We find ways to rebel even though the means we find to rebel, we'd normally have no interest in. ie. Counting letters on a pennant.
Josh had some great quotes recounting his rebellion. The first was the "'T's', 'M's', and 'R's' always had an advantage thanks to the ™ and the ®." The second was our favorite:
The 'E's' always won.
Posted by
9:07 PM
Like the title of this post says, we are officially parents. Yes we have been for almost a year but we crossed another line of parenting this past Sunday. We officially crossed over the "dorky parents who don't care what others think" line.
How so?
This past Sunday, it was our turn to help out with children's ministry. For unity/safety/recognition, we sport the official apparel of Hiawatha Children's Ministry with the green t-shirt Erin is wearing in the above picture. No big deal. But the line of dorky parents is crossed when both of us are wearing the same t-shirt and not only visit the local Baker's Square, but then go on a walk with our child and small dog all the while still wearing matching t-shirts.
The line has been crossed and there's no going back.
We can get away with it now, but the older we get, the more Brevin will relize his parents have not only crossed that line, but that line had been crossed so long ago, it is no longer in sight. So Brevin, this post is for your future self. Yes, we know we are dorky. Yes, we don't care. Yes, we know we embarrass you. We will do our best not to go above and beyond the inherited dorkiness of parents but it is not our main concern, far from it in fact. Our main concern is to bring you up in a home where Jesus is glorified. Like it or not, that's our responsibility.
So as Erin and I get further and further away from "that line", we will enjoy every opportunity we have with Brevin. Even if that includes embarrassing him by wearing matching t-shirts.
Posted by
1:00 PM
BEing this is my 500th post, I thought it would be fun to see what else is 500. (And yes I realize hitting 500 posts isn't a huge deal in the blogosphere, but still it's pretty cooling BEing this blog has been active since 2005 and I grow tired of things very easily.)
Doing a relatively quick Google search of "What has 500", here is what I found:
Posted by
8:17 PM
This past Wednesday, the Eidsmoe's and the Swenson's got in touch with our inner-nerds. (Ok, so only Doug and I did that, but Erin and Dena still had to take us back.)
Back in April, I posted a picture about the Science Museum hosting the Star Wars exhibit and at the end of that post I asked "Who's with me?". My fellow designer, Dena (bigD) Swenson said she and her husband (Doug) would go. Wednesday, was the day.Three of the 5 of us grew up loving Star Wars (my wife and son being the two exceptions). And even though bigD is a Star Wars fan, she's not quite as nerdy about it as her husband is. bigD became Erin's saviour. The three of them hung out and browsed the displays while Doug and I embarassed them and ourselves quoting lines and charachter's noises (see above photo for that one).
It was great getting to know Doug better. I had only spoke with him a few times before never having the time to get to know him better. He also has the design bug being a designer at another organization.Before finishing up with the exhibit, I had to get at least one photo with Brevin and I. I love his expression. It's usually impossible to get him to look at the camera when you actually take the picture, so not only did I get him looking at me in the previous picture, but here Erin gets him with a freaked look on his face. Classic.
Immediately following the exhibit, we got in line take a five minute ride in Han Solo's Millenium Falcon. While Erin and Brevin waited outside, Doug, bigD, and I traveled through hyperspace in the authentic looking YT-1300 freighter. I was hoping to experience being chased by TIE-Fighters or dodging asterteroids but I forgot this was a Science Musuem. So instead we learned It was still cool but not what I was expecting. But hey, we did each get a piece of flair!
Being it was way past Brevin's bedtime, it was time to head home. It would have been nice to stay out with the Swenson's but it wouldn't least not that night. Both Erin and I would love to hang out with them again, this time it can be in a gender/non-nerd neutral location. ;)
You can check out 60 pics from the night here.
BTW, you can always check out bigD and Doug's blog using the links on the side and I'd also encourage you to check out bigD's and her twin sister Maren's ETSY store. They have some really cool handmade jewlery.
Posted by
11:23 PM
Posted by
3:41 PM
The following is taken from a Ladies Home Journal from December of the year 1900. It's title says it all, "What May Happen in the Next 100 Years." You can either click to enlarge the image or read the list here.
I think my favorites are:
Posted by
9:40 AM
Ok so the Holy Spirit didn't actually ring our doorbell but it sure felt that way. Let me start from the beginning.
But first let me post this disclaimer. I wasn't sure I was going to write about this because I don't want to come off as self righteous. Please hear my heart in wanting praise to go to the Holy Spirit.
My ideal morning routine would constitute getting up at 4:45 AM to spend some time in prayer then the Word. Admittedly, that doesn't happen as much as I'd like. In fact, it's rare I get up that early. It usually happens in the 5 o'clock hour and that isn't even everyday.
Anyway, having said that, yesterday morning I got up around 5:30 AM to spend some time with the Lord. After going through my prayer list, I usually end the prayer time asking Jesus for help in obeying the Holy Spirit. I usually have my Bible reading in mind as I need Him to give me insights into that morning's readings. But it also includes any leadings the Holy Spirit may give me throughout the day.
Now that I've creeped some of you out, here is where the Holy Spirit rang our doorbell. I had just finished feeding Brevin and was about to get him dressed for church when our doorbell rang. Being it was 8:20 on a Sunday morning, my initial reaction was to not answer the door. But instead I opened the door to a girl who was about 10 holding a puppy and she asked if I could help. Not knowing the "for what" answer, I stepped outside and asked "what's up?" Her answer surprised me:
Our house is flooded, can you help?
May God bless the rest of your day.
Posted by
1:32 PM
On Friday I thought I had posted my "Father's Day Post" but stumbling upon these photos from, I thought of my dad. For those of you who don't, he is an avid photographer. He brings it everywhere. We'll occasionally give him a hard time because of it, but he is really good. Even after hiring a "professional" photographer at our wedding, our favorite picture was one my dad took.
Anyway, the following pictures are in honor of him. I love you dad and have a great Father's Day!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Being it's Father's Day on Sunday, I had to post this clip honor of all the dad's. All it is, is a father making his son laugh. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, it still makes me smile. Enjoy.
Happy Father's Day dad's!
Posted by
1:38 PM
Normally I pass over headline articles dealing with food issues. I know what's bad to eat and what's good. I know I need exercise and to drink plenty of water. Normally...but this time, an articles headline caught my eye that I had to read: 6 Worst Things to Eat at the Movies.
Now you have my attention. I love movies and I love having popcorn and pop even more when at the movies. To be specific, my "usual" is buttered popcorn with a large Cherry Coke and either Junior Mints or Twizzlers. Mmmm... I know that isn't good for me but I usually justify having it when it replaces a meal. (I know that's not good either).
Anyway, according to a recent article from Men's Health, here are the 6 Worst Things to Eat at the Movies:
Posted by
3:48 PM
UPDATE: For a great take on this Smurfy news, check out Peter Carlson's blog post. Excellent.
In the following tradition of making cartoons from the '80s into movies (Transformers, G.I. Joe, He-Man), yesterday Columbia Pictures announced a CG/live-action movie of the Smufs will be hitting the theaters in the near future. (See the recently released Alvin and the Chipmunks movie for an example of CG mixed with live-action). The writers will be the same team from Shrek. No time table has been given as to the release of the movie but a spokesman from Columbia is quoted as saying:
We are committed to it and hope to get moving on it as quickly as we can.
Posted by
2:02 PM
This past weekend I got to spend some father/son time with Brevin. While Erin was gallabanting in Appleton, Wisconsin with some friends, it was up to Bella and I to hold down the fort.
Of course Erin had everything set up for me before she left. His food, clean clothes, and items that needed to be brought to church. After all, this was the first time she'd leave Brevin in the hands of someone else overnight. It didn't matter that the someone was me. Being the mom that she is, she made sure to do all that she could before leaving.
The B3's (Bernt, Brevin, and Bella) enjoyed our time together. When Brevin would become fussy for no apparent reason (something he has just started), I thought I'd take both him and Bella out to the park. For those of you who haven't been to our place yet, there's probably a reason...just kidding. Right outside our door is a park for the townhome community. It was a nice day and Brevin had never been to the park; and without mom there to supervise us, we were left alone to get into trouble.Brevin dug the swing. He was quite the daredevil. He'd lean forward as much as possible to see the ground moving swiftly beneath his kicking legs. When he'd get tired of that, he'd look up at me with a huge, squinty grin and laugh as he'd come to within inches of us meeting face to face. He loved taking in the scenery and seeing the world around him.
After conquering the swing, I thought we could move up to the slide. As I placed him at the top (I would brace him while still standing the ground) I would hold/slide him down. His reaction? I'm guessing he was scared. He would always tightly close his eyes as he went down and wouldn't open them until he knew he was at a complete stop. Every time he went down the slide, he did the same thing. Oh well, at least we had conquered the swing.
Later on that day we took a nap and I was able to introduce him to some classic guy movies. (Well, he was in the same room at least.) 1987's Dragnet starring Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks, the original Rocky and The Karate Kid. (Haha, the Karate Kid, I know. What can I say? I love that movie.)
Besides keeping the kitchen clean, Brevin and I even ran some errands. We hit up Target for a while getting the Milk and garbage bags but not before checking out all the cool toys and rummaging through the DVD's. He was good as he usually is where there is stuff to look at and he's constantly in motion.
When Sunday afternoon came around, we were happy to have mom home again. She wouldn't put Brevin down and made up for all of the hugs and kisses she couldn't give him while she was away. It was fun to hang out with Brevin for the weekend but that's where I'd want it to stop. Having a spouse to help is huge! Not only for Brevin's sake, but for my own sanity as well. No offense to Bella as she makes for a great companion, but I need someone who won't route through garbage or bark at other dogs and Erin fits that perfectly. :)
I love you Erin and not just for everything you do for Brevin but for who you are for me.
Posted by
3:14 PM
NOTE: An easy way to tell if I'm feeling overwhelmed or uninspired is to glance at this blog. If I post everyday, things are great. If not, well, the blog suffers. An apology goes out to my loyal reader. ;)
First off, a thanks goes to my wife for a great surprise birthday party she threw for me two Saturday's ago. She must have been planning it for a long time since my folks from Moorhead, and my brother and his family made it from Sioux Falls to be there.
What should have tipped me off was her letting go to a movie (*Speed Racer) with a friend while her family was here. I was just figuring she was being nice. That'll teach me. ;) (Just kidding dear.)
After the Friendly Stegosaurus treated me to some Jimmy John's and a movie that a friend described as "having Skittles melted on your eyes" or just plain "glossy", we headed to church to "pick us some music for tomorrow's service". I started getting suspicious when I had to go into church with him, then as he let me take the lead (as if I new where his music was), I got the "SURPRISE!" as I walked through the basement doors.
Thanks to everyone who could make it, and even to those who wanted to but couldn't. It was a great party with fellow believers in Christ. Not only from church, but some from work as well. I felt so blessed because of the friends who took time out of their day just be there.
*btw, I really did enjoy Speed Racer. Very artistic. I don't know the best way to describe it. Every color used looked like it was made by Crayola. I was wondering what was real and what was computer throughout the movie. The laws of physics had no place in the movie. A real life cartoon might be the best way I could describe the movie.
Posted by
9:17 PM