Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Officially Dorky Parents

Like the title of this post says, we are officially parents. Yes we have been for almost a year but we crossed another line of parenting this past Sunday. We officially crossed over the "dorky parents who don't care what others think" line.

How so?

This past Sunday, it was our turn to help out with children's ministry. For unity/safety/recognition, we sport the official apparel of Hiawatha Children's Ministry with the green t-shirt Erin is wearing in the above picture. No big deal. But the line of dorky parents is crossed when both of us are wearing the same t-shirt and not only visit the local Baker's Square, but then go on a walk with our child and small dog all the while still wearing matching t-shirts.

The line has been crossed and there's no going back.

We can get away with it now, but the older we get, the more Brevin will relize his parents have not only crossed that line, but that line had been crossed so long ago, it is no longer in sight. So Brevin, this post is for your future self. Yes, we know we are dorky. Yes, we don't care. Yes, we know we embarrass you. We will do our best not to go above and beyond the inherited dorkiness of parents but it is not our main concern, far from it in fact. Our main concern is to bring you up in a home where Jesus is glorified. Like it or not, that's our responsibility.

So as Erin and I get further and further away from "that line", we will enjoy every opportunity we have with Brevin. Even if that includes embarrassing him by wearing matching t-shirts.



Leah Miller said...

I think you DO care! Otherwise, you wouldn't have called it out. You wouldn't have thought, "I better let everyone know that I know that I'm dorky." That's right. You DO care.

Unknown said...

Shhh...Leah! You weren't supposed to tell! ;) Erin and I were thinking about it. We were sooo lazy. Instead of changing before we went out, we just...well...went out.

But yes, if we didn't care in the slightest, I wouldn't have written about it. ;)
