Science Museum: Star Wars
This past Wednesday, the Eidsmoe's and the Swenson's got in touch with our inner-nerds. (Ok, so only Doug and I did that, but Erin and Dena still had to take us back.)
Back in April, I posted a picture about the Science Museum hosting the Star Wars exhibit and at the end of that post I asked "Who's with me?". My fellow designer, Dena (bigD) Swenson said she and her husband (Doug) would go. Wednesday, was the day.Three of the 5 of us grew up loving Star Wars (my wife and son being the two exceptions). And even though bigD is a Star Wars fan, she's not quite as nerdy about it as her husband is. bigD became Erin's saviour. The three of them hung out and browsed the displays while Doug and I embarassed them and ourselves quoting lines and charachter's noises (see above photo for that one).
It was great getting to know Doug better. I had only spoke with him a few times before never having the time to get to know him better. He also has the design bug being a designer at another organization.Before finishing up with the exhibit, I had to get at least one photo with Brevin and I. I love his expression. It's usually impossible to get him to look at the camera when you actually take the picture, so not only did I get him looking at me in the previous picture, but here Erin gets him with a freaked look on his face. Classic.
Immediately following the exhibit, we got in line take a five minute ride in Han Solo's Millenium Falcon. While Erin and Brevin waited outside, Doug, bigD, and I traveled through hyperspace in the authentic looking YT-1300 freighter. I was hoping to experience being chased by TIE-Fighters or dodging asterteroids but I forgot this was a Science Musuem. So instead we learned It was still cool but not what I was expecting. But hey, we did each get a piece of flair!
Being it was way past Brevin's bedtime, it was time to head home. It would have been nice to stay out with the Swenson's but it wouldn't least not that night. Both Erin and I would love to hang out with them again, this time it can be in a gender/non-nerd neutral location. ;)
You can check out 60 pics from the night here.
BTW, you can always check out bigD and Doug's blog using the links on the side and I'd also encourage you to check out bigD's and her twin sister Maren's ETSY store. They have some really cool handmade jewlery.
Big B,
That is a great picture of Brevin. =)
It's been getting rave reviews. :)
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