Monday, February 27, 2006

God's DESIRE is Not Our Happiness

I apologize for the lateness of this post. Erin and I didn't get into work until 1:30 and what I had written to "cut and paste" didn't paste very well. (That will teach me to use generic glue. Reminder to self: Always use Elmer's!)

What! How dare He! God's desire isn't to please us! Then why should I worship Him!?
(Yep, I did it. I opened a can of Chum that would scare Jaws.)

"Why did God let me live so long and why did He let this happen?" That heart wrenching question came form Grandma Johnson during a brief moment of clarity.

Grandma Johnson and Grandpa Eidsmoe both have a form of dimensia. Not only is it very frustrating for the both of them (at least when they are "with it"), but also, and dare I say, more so for the ones that love them the most, their sons and daughters.

Episodes of violence, hallucinations, confusion, loss of bodily control, and even not remembering your own kids. Why has this happened to them. (And millions of others I might add.)

No one knows why for sure, and I'm not foolish enough to proclaim that I do, but what very little I do know comes from the Author of life.

NOTE: Before I begin quoting scripture, let me first make a disclaimer. When anyone (especially me ) quotes scripture, make sure you check out the context of the verse. Many people get into trouble when they take a single verse and use it for their
own purpose. If you ever catch me doing that, PLEASE call me on it.

1 Timothy 2:4 says: "who DESIRES all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth." The knowledge of truth is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and He IS THE ONLY WAY to an everlasting, perfect, pain free life.

So how does that apply to Grandma Johnson, Grandpa Eidsmoe, and our overall happiness? Well, if God's DESIRE, if what He wants most is for us, is to come to Him and to know that Jesus is the only way, God will use us anyway He can to achieve His DESIRE. Our lives are not our own and their might just be a bigger picture we are missing when we focus on our selves and our pain.

Am I saying that God LIKES to see us suffer? In the words of the apostl
e Paul, "May it never be!" God loves us more than we can possible imagine. He loves us so much that he will use circumstances to draw us closer to Him and to ultimately save the eternal lives of everyone He can.

So how do we apply this timeless principle to this heart wrenching situation?

I don't know.

Grandma and Grandpa are still on this earth for a reason. It's up to us to make the most of the situation. Maybe it's a learning experience for everyone who's going through it? Maybe it's a way to show God's love by putting their needs before our own? Maybe the
Holy Spirit can use us to bring someone to Christ because of Grandma and Grandpa's suffering? Maybe we are being called to pray more? Maybe each one of us has a different role to play because of this? And maybe, just maybe, God is smarter than all of us and we need to trust Him?

The point is, I don't know the reason. But God does and that's the important thing. Remember we are instructed to "lean not on our own understanding."

Make sense? Too big of a stretch? I don't think so but like I said before, you keep me accountable by looking up the passages and make sure I'm using them correctly.

In the meantime, I will continue to love Grandma and Grandpa, and altho
ugh I feel helpless, I will continue to put my faith in our heavenly Father and pray that His will be done.


Monday, February 27th, 2006 / Philemon and Hebrews 1 and 2

For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren. —Hebrews 2:11

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, who died for me, because of me, is perfect, who is God, who knows all of my horrible thoughts and deeds, He is not ashamed to call me His brother.

Whoa! Could I possibly feel anymore humbled.

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