Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Musical Birthday

What does Jaws, Star Wars, Superman, E.T., Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, and War of the Worlds all have in common?

Their theme music was composed by the same person. John Williams.

The reason I bring this up is today is John Williams' 74th birthday. He has been my favorite composer/recording artist ever since I heard the music of Star Wars. Since then I have always paid attention to the instrumental score in movies. John Williams happens to be responsible for the majority of my favorites.

Mr. Williams has been conducting film score starting with "Daddy-O" in 1959. Since then, he has done so many great movies and come up with so many recognizable themes for me to list.

One aspect I must always keep tabs on is putting people up on pedestals. I don't know if he is a Christian but I'm guessing not. Even if he was, I shouldn't regard him any higher than anyone else. He puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. (The only difference is when he puts his pants on, he creates gold records.) ;)

Happy 74th Birthday John!
His Filmography and a pretty cool site



Emily said...

Schindler's List is also one of my favorite of his movie compositions. =)


Unknown said...

Yea, I thought about putting that one up their but I'm not two familiar with his score. I still haven't seen the movie.


Anonymous said...

This isn't important to anything, just some useless but related facts. Most of those movies- Jaws, E.T., Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, and War of the Worlds- were all produced/directed by Steven Spielberg. Star Wars of course goes hand in hand with George Lucas who is friends with Spielberg. I don't know about Superman or Harry Potter and I don't really care enough to find out. I just knew about the rest of them because I just did a report for economics class about Spielberg. I didn't see anything about John Williams but chances are he is friends with Spielberg and Lucas somehow. I recommend Schindler's List. It was an eye-opening movie. Another piece of useless info, Spielberg was denied permission to film inside Auschwitz when he made Schindler's List. The camp is there as a memorial to those who died and people didn't want Spielberg to make a joke of it considering he is well know for kiddish movies, E.T., Jurassic Park, etc. Spielberg proved everyone wrong and made a spectacular film. I still cry every time I see it so you might want tissues.

Unknown said...

Wow, you sure know your John Williams / George Lucas / Steven Speilberg. Impressive. Thanks for the info.

I still need to see Schindler's list.
