Friday, February 24, 2006

Verticle (No) Limit

Generally not considered to be a fun word.
Sharing the Gospel.
Generally not considered to be a fun phrase.
I’m going to attempt to achieve both on a daily basis.

C.S. Lewis referred to walking with the Lord as “hills and valleys”. Sometimes your up. Sometimes your down. Right now, I’m climbing a mountain.

Taking advantage of Bella’s 5:00am hunger pains, I have been meeting with our Lord nearly everyday shortly after Bella has a full tummy and an empty bladder. And just like the times in the past when I have religiously (yes, the pun was intended) had a personal “quite time”, I have loved every minute of it.

But it’s funny how quickly we forget. Notice I said “times in the past” referring to my other mountain climbing experiences. This is about my fourth time walking very passionately with the Lord. This time, I am bound and determined to make this Christian hike last the rest of my life.

Am I over zealous?
Am I just riding another temporary high?

Could be.
Will I stumble along the way?

Yes, over and over again.
Is my mission impossible?

No. (And I don’t need Tom Cruise’s help.)

So where am I going with this post? Well, I’m going to put my walk with the Lord on public display. From everyone who checks this blog daily to those who just “window shop” it every now and then will know how my exhausting climb is going.


Well, for the two reasons I first listed. Accountability and sharing the Gospel. If I know people are reading, or at least scanning my blog, I’m more ought to keep in the Word. Second, reading our heavenly Father’s living word, is great, but it is even better if you share it. (See mom and dad, I’m learning to share...) ;)

So, every weekday (if we still had “free” internet, it would be everyday) I will post what “God’s Message for Me Today” was and “How Does This Apply to My Life?. Basically a verse or two from the scripture I read in the morning and then my simple, uneducated application of it.

Read it if you want. Or you can check back just to see if I’m still “fighting the good fight” every day. I want to take up my cross on a daily basis and this is just another way to do it.

My Objective:
A (near) daily encouragement to you.

Even though Christ has already scaled the mountain for me, I’m bound and determined to show my heavenly Father how much I love Him by meeting Him at the top. So, contact your bookee’s, check out my odds, and place your bets. This kid is gonna climb a never-ending mountain and everyone will see if he succeeds or plummets.



Friday, Februay, 23rd, 2006. 2 Timothy chapters 3 and 4.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” —2 Timothy 4:7

Looking over his life as an apostle/Christian, Paul can honestly say he took up his cross for Christ. He fought the spiritual battle known as the “Christian walk” with Christ as his leader.

I hope when my time on earth is over, I am able to look back and say the same thing. Not just pockets of following Christ here and there, but taking up my cross on a daily basis.


Emily said...


You're a blessed writer! I'm looking forward to reading what God is teaching you ! I check your blog daily, so I'll be sure to be blessed and informed! I want to start my own blog, but I doubt people would read it. Also, e-mail is more personal when I write to individuals.

Little sis, and in Christ,
Em +-

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment Em.

I wasn't expecting to get on the internet here today while @ the Johnson's but I am a professional procrastinator, I have to do some quick research before presenting in church tomorrow.

Love ya.
