Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Future With STEM, Pt. 2.5

STEM Employee's...(waiting)...?

Today was going to be a day of answers.
  1. How is the baby doing?
  2. Will I be able to complete Mr. Stewart's illustrations?
  3. Will Erin and I still have jobs at STEM?
Here are the answers:
  1. Yes. We had a baby doctor appointment this morning and every thing is proceeding normally. Thank you Lord!
  2. No. As Emily commented on yesterday's post, I just don't have enough time to give John the quality and time he deserves. He was very gracious and we will see what happens when he returns from Africa.
  3. Maybe. (See response below)
Last Friday Erin and I gave STEM a modified work proposal. We were told we would have an answer to our future employment by next Wednesday. Well, it's next Wednesday and STEM still doesn't know.


So, I'm going to keep looking for a new job 'til STEM gives us an answer one way or the other. Roger won't be in the office the rest of this week so the earliest we will have our answer will be Monday. But I'm not counting on it. The comforting thing is God knows the answer even if STEM doesn't.

The saga continues...


Wednesday, February 7th, 2007/2 Samuel chapters 11 & 12

"'Indeed you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, and under the sun.'"2 Samuel 12:12

The Lord will expose our sin. The sin we commit in private will come to light. David tried to cover his affair with Bathsheba, but the main "person" he hurt was God. God cannot be fooled. So even if we think we have gotten away with a sin and even continue to get away with it, the only person we are fooling is ourselves.

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
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• There are more than twice as many Muslims than Jews or Buddhists combined.

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