Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter According to Bella

NOTE: I downloaded a "Dog-to-Digital Translator" I found on Google to create this post. It's amazing what you can find on the internet these days!

Hello everyone, Bella here. Since my tall, furless friend Bernt has neglected to write a post about this past Easter weekend, and Erin has been sick the past two days, I figured I had better take the initiative and fill you in myself. (Humans these days. Whatcha gonna do?)

Thursday night both of my furless friends (Bernt and Erin) told me that I get to go on a "car ride". Since they are both so nice, I thought I'd return the favor and let them come too. What I hear was that the car ride took several hours but I didn't notice since I was sleeping. But when I woke up, I noticed we were at my friend Maddie's house! I couldn't wait to see her again. I even made a little happy-pee when I saw her. (I don't know why I told you that.)

We played a lot the next day. She's much bigger than I am but I can hold my own. For some reason the only two furless humans that were there was Bernt and Erin. Oh well, I didn't mind.

Saturday I woke up and started whining 'cause I wanted to get outta my kennel. Then I got to eat, go outside, and go back in my kennel for another nap! Life is great!

When I woke up again, there were more furless humans there. They were Maddie's humans. My good furless friend named J-Bone was also there this time! I really like him.

That day Maddie and I pretty much took it easy. Although that night, the humans named Kevin, J-Bone, and my Bernt left at 7:00. I didn't know why til the next morning.

When I woke up, one of my best friends in the world was there...Naener! I over heard some humans talking how they went to pick her up from Milwaukee and brought her back that same night. They must have known I wanted to see her. I have some good furless humans!

Sunday was chaos. The number of humans was 15! There were so many legs that Maddie and I had to avoid. The really nice thing is they held me a lot.

After they ate their food (which I'm still not happy that they haven't learned how to share), everyone started to pack up their stuff that they brought. But before they left, they talked to someone named "God/heavenly Father/Lord". They said "thank you" a lot and were happy and respectful at the same time. I don't know but I got the feeling like He was someone very important. I look forward to the time when I get to meet Him. He's probably the greatest furless human in the world!

Til next time.


(P.S. Thanks Naener for the pics.)

Thursday, April 12th, 2007/Job chapters 29–35

"I smiled on them when they did not believe, And the light of my face they did not cast down." Job 29:24

I believe that if a poll were taken as to the number one reason why people don't share their faith with others is becuase they are scared. (That's my excuse.) But why? We should have so much joy in Christ that we can't help but talk about Him! And when people don't believe, their doubt won't diminish God one bit.

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
You can purchase a copy of the CityView Report here.


7. Vietnamese — Pop. 25,000

• Children tend to be bilingual.
• Arrived as refugees since the mid 1970s. 39% arrived in the 1990s.
• The median age of a Vietnamese person in the Twin Cities is 29 years old.
Religion: Culturally Buddhist, some are Catholic, Christian, and Mormon.

Dr. Eugene Trinh

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