Thursday, April 26, 2007

KARE 11 Sextuplets

Well, it was inevitable and (hopefully) welcomed. Brianna and Ryan's sextuplets were televised. Last night, I got home from Bible study just in time to catch the 10:00 news. Erin heard the Morrison's would be featured so as soon as Lost was over, she switched to channel 11 and sure enough, the Morrison's were the feature story.

I was wondering how the news would cover the story since God was sure to come up. "Politically Correct" is the phrase that came to mind after watching it. I would love to see all of the raw footage to see what was left on the cutting room floor. (You can read and watch the story here.)

Unfortunately the lasting impression I (and Erin) got from it was the lady anchors comment after the story was done. She was suprised to hear that a younger 20-something year old couple would take infertility drugs. Erin summed it up well when she said, "What did she think, that once Brianna reached the age of 30, she would no longer be infertile?"

The lady anchors well meaning comment struck a nerve with both of us. Having gone through infertility, even if it was only for two years, has left a lasting impression on us. There is no way to describe to those who haven't gone through it, how much it hurts when we hear about mother's killing their babies when we desperately want one.

If you would like to know more of the personal side of the story, check out Noemi's blog link on the right hand side. She is very close with the young couple and has taken their pictures (which were featured on the news cast) and has even started up an "M-Team" ("M" standing for Morrison) to help out the young couple with anything humanly possible.

Needless to say, Ryan and Brianna have been on our nightly prayer list since we first heard of their pregnancy. God will be glorified by these six babies and we are excited to see and hear what He does.


Thursday, April 26th, 2007/Psalm chapters 53–59

As for me, I shall call upon God, And the LORD will save me. Psalm 55:16

This is such a basic principle, I almost just read right over it. Of course we are going to call upon God for help, but when we do, do we have the confidence in Him expecting God to save us? This simple sentence is convicting me to continue to grow in Christ so that I can pray expexting.

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
You can purchase a copy of the CityView Report here.


11. Laotian — Pop. 15,000

• Arrived as refugees beginning in the late 1970s.
• 64% of Laotian families own their own home in the Twin Cities.
• The average Laotian household size is 4.8 people.
Religion: Majority are Buddhist, some Christian and Mormon.

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