Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hampton, Iowa

Here's a quick recap of the great weekend I had with the Pratt's in Hampton, Iowa:

Friday After Work: Rode about two and half hours to Hampton, Iowa.
Friday Night: Screamed my heart out (not literally) at a high school football game and lost my voice for the next few days.
Saturday Morning: Wore coveralls, big rubber boots, and a mask as I visited 4,000 hogs and gave a few of them shots. (I can still taste the smell. Yuk.)
Saturday Mid-Morning: Rode in the Semi to the elevator to deliver yesterday's corn.
Saturday Noon: Got to drive a combine and harvest four rows of corn.
Saturday After-Noon: Delivered more harvested corn to the elevator and hauled the extra corn to a silo.
Saturday Evening: Hayride time! Met up with the great group of kids from my Urban Minneapolis mission trip. Grilled hot-dogs and played "sardines".
Saturday Night: Paid $5.00 for a "haunted" barn.
Sunday Morning: Church with communion that served real wine. (Not expecting it.)
Sunday Afternoon: Was treated to Godfather's Pizza, got stuffed, witnessed the begining of the Vikings getting smoked by the Bears, played catch with a football outside, and then got schooled at college football on the GameCube.
Sunday Late Afternoon: Left for home in Minnesota.

The entire experience was great. The Pratt's (Rod, Stacey, Tara, Kody, and Levi) were wonderful. I would love to visit them again!


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