Monday, March 05, 2007

Amazing Grace

This weekends theme:
Amazing Grace.

Well, Erin and I disobeyed Mr. Weatherman and decided to brave the elements to Moorhead. And it was definitely God's grace that allowed us to make it safely. Amidst car's in ditches, heavy gusts of wind, extremely icy roads, having to travel 35 mph in a 70 mph, surrounding highways being closed, and even witnessing a rollover (he was ok), our heavenly Father was with his stupid kids.

It was a typical weekend in Moorhead. We saw grandma Eidsmoe and even got to celebrate grandpa Eidsmoe's 81st birthday. We got our Dairy Queen fix. Went to Fargo's mall, West Acres, and made the required Scheel's stop. We put in a movie (the Legend of Zorro) as well as went to one on the big screen (Amazing Grace.)

Admittedly, I did not want to see Amazing Grace. It did not look like a movie I would typically go to. Sure it had "good Christan morals" but I typically go for the big buget fliks. After all, I don't think the movie's main character was about to dawn a lightsaber and save a princess. But I went not wanting to dissapoint my family or miss out on the free movie, popcorn, pop, and Twizzlers.

I was presently suprised. There wasn't any "action" but it was really inspiring. I think the aspect I liked most about the movie was that the main character, William Wilberforce, wasn't portrayed as this "super human" with no struggles. Throughout the movie, he needed the support and guidance of friends and family. Without them, who knows what would have happened.

Anyway, we arrived home safely last night and with plenty of time to unwind from an uneventful and boring car ride. Which, by the way, I have a new found appreciation for.


Monday, March 5th, 2007/2 Kings chapters 17–20

Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the LORD their God, but walked in the customs which Israel had introduced. 2 Kings 17:19

In verse 8, the people of Israel followed the "customs (idol worship) of the nations owhom the Lord had driven out." Now the people of Juday follow what Isreald did. It made me wonder what kind of example I am that others may see. Also what kond of examples am I following? I need to remember that people notice my actions and I need to continually lead a Christ centered life.

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
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• 42%, or 1,379,945 people living in the Twin Cities are either unchurched or nominal Christians.


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it up there!

Unknown said...

Thanks Chris.
