Thursday, March 15, 2007

Temporary Bed Rest

(The following description is vague on purpose. I'm not sure how much Erin is comfortable sharing.)

Yesterday, Erin and I spent the majority part of the work day at the hospital. There was some pregnancy concerns but to make a long story short, we are waiting to see what's wrong. The biggest fear was Erin's placenta was tearing away from it's wall but after an ultrasound, that was found not to be the case. (Thank you God.)

Tomorrow we have a follow up to see what the blood work brings back. We are hoping for an infection or something that would be relatively common and not harmful to the baby.

A BIG plus to the ultrasound was we were able to find out the gender of the's a boy! As it turns out, he already has a personality trait from his father's side; he's stubborn. We were trying to get a good profile shot of him but after several attempts of poking, prodding, and even having Erin turn on her side, the little guy refused to budge. He found a comfy spot and no coaxing from us would make him move. The rebellion has started already.

Anyway, back to the profile shot, we were able to get a picture of his defiance. It's a picture of him squirming away and showing us his foot. Yep, one foot. (He does have two.)

Here is the same picture after I outlined his foot.

Oh well, like father like son.


Thursday, March 15th, 2007/2 Chronicles chapters 1 – 5

"The house which I am about to build will be great, for greater is our God than all the gods. But who is able to build a house for Him, for the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain Him? So who am I, that I should build a house for Him, except to burn incense before Him?" 2 Chronicles 2:5 & 6

Solomon does a good job at keeping things iin perspective. Basically saying the house he's about to build for God will be the best since God is worthy but what plat place could actually contain or even be worthy of Him. It's great that God accepts our offerings/time/presence even though our best will never be worthy of him. (Thank God for Jesus!)

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
You can purchase a copy of the CityView Report here.

• In 2004, the Luis Palau Festival was held at the State Capital grounds in St. Paul with 200,000 attendees.

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