Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Favorite Sound

Processing Sound

Visually that's what it looks like if we were to see how sound is processed. Kinda cool, kinda 7th grade science. But since we can process sound, I was able to enjoy the coolest sound I have ever heard. Our baby's heartbeat.

Yep, Erin's pregnant!

9:30 this morning, a doctor a had a doppler to Erin's tummy and what resulted was the coolest thing I ever heard. 160 bpm of a healthy, 10 week old, baby heart. Hearing my kid's heart for the first time will be a sound I won't soon forget. ("My kid's", that sounds strange.) God willing, the beginning of August, we'll be hearing the sound of crying from our kid.

This is a post I wasn't sure would happen for a while. Some of you know that Erin and I have been dealing with infertility for almost 2 years. It may not seem that long but when you notice every baby, advertisement, commercial, news story, scene on TV/movie, infant section in a store, friends having kids etc, each one strikes home.

I don't know how the millions of couples deal with a lifetime of infertility. 2 years was too long. But the Lord used it and opened our eyes to how many couples struggle with infertility. We ran into so many people who were having the same struggles as we were. So we want to be extra cautious when we tell people that Erin is pregnant. Our joy is another dagger in someone else's heart.

So just so I'm clear, here are the facts:
  • • Erin is pregnant
  • • The baby is 10 weeks old
  • • The baby is due the beginning of August
  • • Erin is having an ultra sound tomorrow morning and then we will find out the expected due date
Here is what the baby currently looks like:
(click to enlarge)

Thank you for everyone who has been praying for us and please continue to pray that Erin carries the full term.


Wednesday, January 10th, 2007/Deuteronomy chapters 29-31

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29

It seems as if the most common question we ask God is "why?". But instead of focusing on the "why?", we should focus on the "Who" (our heavenly Father.) He has revealed timeless treasures in scripture. Who knows, (no pun intended) by focusing on the "Who" we might just get the answer to our "why?".

Copyright 2007, City Vision / John A. Mayer
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• A new immigrant arrives in the U.S. every 31 seconds.

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