Relaxing With the Eidsmoe's
Last weekend, Erin, Bella, and I took advantage of the $3.39 per gallon gas prices to visit the Eidsmoe's. A theme that both Leif and I prayed for, both at different times, and without each of us knowing, was relaxation. We both prayed for a relaxing weekend. Thankfully God granted that request.
We arrived Friday night and after I scared Kayle to the point of her bawling, we vegged out on the couch talking, downloading CD's, and relaxing. I always love, after a long road trip, just sitting down and catching up with whomever we are visiting. It's always a reminder that life happens outside of my little circle.Saturday I had my morning time with Christ (which doesn't always happen when I get out of my typical routine) and Bella was where she always is which is on my lap eating a bone. Only this time she wasn't interested in eating her bone. Every once in a while, she would hear Kayle make a baby noise and Bella could not eat. She would jump off my lap with her nose stuck to the basement door knowing that baby Kayle was on the other side. That's a first. I used to think the world could end before Bella wouldn't pay attention to a rawhide.
The rest of the day continued to be our theme of the weekend, relaxing. We put in a chick flik (Because I Said So) for the girls while Leif and I burned CD's to listen to later. Relaxing. After the movie we headed out to a park, with Kayle looking like Sir Elton John to enjoy some Wendy's burgers and warm weather. Relaxing. Next we dropped off BK (baby Kayle) at grandma Johnson's and the four of us headed over to Shrek the Third. Relaxing. After enjoying the movie which was fun but not as good as the previous two Shrek's, we gave our patronage to Dairy Queen. Relaxing.Sunday was more of the same. After church, Leif grilled us some burgers and we sat on the couch eating and watching TV. (Do I need to say the "R" word again? I think you get the picture.)
It isn't very often that Erin and I come home from a trip feeling relaxed. But we both really enjoyed our time and although we have come back to a busy work week, we are feeling relaxed.
Thank you God.
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